Classes We Offer

Heat Vinyasa: Level 3
Vinyasa-style yoga combines a series of flowing postures with rhythmic breathing for an intense body-mind workout. This class temperature ranges from 102-104 degrees. This class series builds up to a different challenge pose each week to give students instruction on how to execute advanced poses. This class is rated level 3 due to temperature, pace and endurance and is not appropriate for beginners.

Mantra Monday: Level 2
The word mantra can be broken down into two parts: "man," which means mind, and "tra," which means transport or vehicle. In other words, a mantra is an instrument of the mind--a powerful sound or vibration you can use to enter a deep state of meditation or yoga practice. Much in the same way you plant a flower seed, you plant mantras in the fertile soil of practice. You nurture them and over time and they bear the fruit of your intention. Come Monday morning and set your mantra to manifest your dharma, achieve goals, or elevate your emotional state. We will then flow through a vinyasa practice rooted in breath that will honor your body's alignment in the moment and better connect your physical and spiritual self. Finally, we'll take time to reflect and honor the work that we have done.

Heat Barre: Level 2
Heat Barre combines ballet style movements, pilates, and traditional functional fitness to give you the benefits of a total body and mind work out. Benefits of barre include:
Increased Strength | Improved Cardiovascular Endurance | Increased Flexibility | Improved Posture | Mind & Body Connection
Come see what Heat Barre can do for you! Temperatures will range from 90-97 degrees. This class is rated a level 2 due to endurance but is appropriate for all levels.

Heat Pilates: Level 2
This class is is all about core strengthening including abs, back, legs, and glutes combined with detoxification in the heated room. Come sweat, burn calories, and build endurance and strength! Temperature ranges from 99-102 degrees. This class is rated Level 2 due to endurance but may be appropriate for beginners who are already active.

Heat Yoga Sculpt: Level 2
A great mix of weights, cardio, and deep stretching for a well rounded work out. Heated to a temperature between 98-101 degrees. Although this class could be appropriate for a beginner, the class will be challenging and fast paced. This class is rated level 2 due to pace and endurance of class.

Heat Ashtanga: Level 2
Ashtanga yoga is a system of yoga transmitted to the modern world by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. This method of yoga involves synchronizing the breath with a progressive series of postures—a process producing intense internal heat and a profuse, purifying sweat that detoxifies muscles and organs. The result is improved circulation, a light and strong body, and a calm mind. This class is rated level 2 but may be accessible for beginners.

Heat Yoga: Level 1.5
A great stepping stone from Beginner Heat 1 to Heat Yoga 2. This class is hotter than the Beginner Heat 1, ranging in temperatures from 99-102 degrees. This class incorporates a beginner warm up flow, followed by some longer holds, core work and some beginner to intermediate balance poses.

Yin Yoga: Level 1
Yin Yoga is performed in a non-heated room and is geared toward stressing the connective tissues that surround the joints in order to build strength and increase mobility. The yin process of stressing the tissues allows for toxicity to be released and flushed. It also increases joint resilience for less injury and may expand range of motion. This class uses props that are provided at the studio for comfort and relaxation in the poses. This class is great for all levels.